Monday, July 11, 2011

Elli Turns 8!

I can't believe that Elli is eight already. We were able to go up to her birthday party and attend her baptism and I was lucky enough to MAKE her dress! For her bday we went to boondocks and were kids again for the day! it was so much fun! On saturday morning we went to her baptism and it was absolutely amazing. The spirit was so strong and she looked amazing in her white dress.

One Year Anniversary

I cannot believe we have already been married a year. Its been an amazing year, full of excitement, learning to live together, learning to fight with each other, learning to make up, and best of all learning that my love grows for JK each and every day. I am so truly blessed to have found such an amazing man. He knows me better than everyone, he knows how to make me laugh, how to make me feel better when I am down, how to make be forget about everything else going on in the world and make me fall in love with him all over again. His smile melts my heart and his kindness and willingness to always help overs blows me away. His testimony of the church so so strong and I am so lucky to have a worthy priesthood holder as my husband. I love you JK, and I cannot wait for the rest of eternity with you. Happy one Year anniversary baby.

To celebrate our first year together as a married couple we decided to head to vegas and go to a show! We wanted to spend the night, but the rooms were out of control expensive so we just headed down saturday morning and started with a little shopping. JK was such a great sport to go shopping with me. Before the show we headed over to the cheesecake factory for an amazing meal. Then we headed back to treasure island to go to the cir de solei Mystere show and holy cow was it amazing! it was worth every penny we spent on it! I highly recommend it to anyone! unfortunately i didn't get to many pictures.
These guys were seriously unreal. I do not see how half the stuff they do is physically possible!

Kolob Adventure

Tanya was so kind to invite us up to Kolob for a little surprise bday party for Kacen. It was soo pretty up there and we love to get away any chance we can get. We left friday after work and made it up just in time for a little bbq. After we ate we went down to the little lake and just hung out. Then we went back to the cabin and hung out around the fire and just relaxed.

Our little Garden...

We planted a little garden in our mini front yard and im happy to say they are alive and growing great!